Father Strips Down To Underwear At School Board Meeting To Expose Absurdity Of Anti-Maskers

A man stripped down to his underwear during a Dripping Springs ISD school board meeting Monday night as he urged the board of trustees to make face masks mandatory in its schools.
James Akers, who is a parent of a student in the school district, removed one item of clothing at a time until he was almost completely naked.
“I do not like the government or any other entity, just ask my wife, telling me what to do,” Akers said, as he took off his jacket. “At work, they make me wear this jacket. I hate it. They make me wear this shirt and tie. I hate it.”
“On the way over here, I ran three stop signs and four red lights,” he said as he proceeded to take off his tie, along with his shirt. “I almost killed somebody out there, but by God, they’re my roads too. So I have every right to drive as fast as I want to, make the turns that I want to. I got over here to the school today and the parking lot was full and I decided I was going to park wherever the hell I wanted to — which, in this case, happened to be a handicap [spot].”
“It’s simple protocol, people,” Akers continued after taking his pants off. “We follow certain rules for a very good reason.”
Akers put his clothes back on following a request by Board President Barbara Stroud.
“Mr. Akers, I understand — I believe you’re a swimmer — but if you would mind putting your pants back on for a comment, that would be appreciated,” Stroud said.
Some parents at the heated school board meeting argued the school should focus on teaching instead of enforcing masks, while others talked of the importance of having mandates to protect others from the virus.
Dripping Springs is about 25 miles southwest of Austin.