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The Guardians of Democracy

‘Sounds Mysterious’: Jen Psaki Mocks Newsmax Reporter’s Allegations Of A ‘Secret’ Biden Memo


‘Sounds Mysterious’: Jen Psaki Mocks Newsmax Reporter’s Allegations Of A ‘Secret’ Biden Memo

White House press secretary Jen Psaki took an opportunity to mock a far-right reporter’s question about a “mysterious” secret memo supposedly being passed around the Hill which allegedly proves President Biden’s infrastructure bill is actually one trillion dollars “off” the $2.25 trillion dollar price tag presented to the American people.

“The other thing on the infrastructure package, there is a private memo that’s being circulated in the business community and to some Republican senators that said that the $2.25 trillion price tag is $1 trillion off,” Newsmax’s John Gizzi said. “And that there’s many things in there that were omitted in the initial discussion of the bill.”

“This is being circulated on the Hill, do you have any response to the charge that the president low-balled the price tag on the infrastructure bill?” he asked.

“Sounds mysterious, the memo — the secret memo,” Psaki replied.

“We laid out very specifically each component of the package and how much we’re proposing, so I’d encourage y’all to get your calculators out and charge that up and see how it compares to the secret memo,” she said.

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