‘RECANTED’: GOP’s Star Witness Alleging Voter Fraud In Pennsylvania Admits He Lied, Recants Claims

A Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been widely cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities during the 2020 presidential election admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations, according to three officials briefed on the investigation and a statement from a House congressional committee.
Richard Hopkins, identified as a U.S. Postal Service employee in Erie who signed a sworn affidavit claiming that postal supervisory officials hatched a plan to backdate ballots mailed after the election, told USPS inspector general officials on Monday that he no longer stood by the claims.
The now recounted accusations come after every major media outlet called Pennsylvania for Joe Biden on Saturday, giving him enough electoral votes to secure the White House.
President Trump has so far refused to concede defeat, turning to legal challenges in states including Pennsylvania and recounts to possibly tip the election in his favor.
“BREAKING NEWS: Erie, Pa. #USPS whistleblower completely RECANTED his allegations of a supervisor tampering with mail-in ballots after being questioned by investigators, according to IG,” a tweet thread from the House Oversight
“Here are the facts: Richard Hopkins is a USPS employee in Erie, Pa. He signed a sworn affidavit with allegations of ballot tampering/fraud and went public through Project Veritas. USPS IG began investigating last week,” the committee explained. “USPS IG investigators informed Committee staff today that they interviewed Hopkins on Friday, but that Hopkins RECANTED HIS ALLEGATIONS yesterday and did not explain why he signed a false affidavit.”
The Erie postmaster, Rob Weisenbach, called the allegations “100% false” in a Facebook post and said they were made “by an employee that was recently disciplined multiple times.”
“The Erie Post Office did not back date any ballots,” Weisenbach wrote.
Here are the facts: Richard Hopkins is a USPS employee in Erie, Pa.
He signed a sworn affidavit with allegations of ballot tampering/fraud and went public through Project Veritas. #USPS IG began investigating last week.
— Oversight Committee (@OversightDems) November 10, 2020
That false affidavit was election interference & part of a criminal enterprise. Every person connected to this crime by any means whatsoever should be facing RICO charges.
— Joseph Robertson (@poet_economist) November 10, 2020