Louisiana GOP Lawmaker Cites Satirical ‘Fake News’ Article To Argue Against Medical Marijuana Bill

Louisiana State Rep. Dodie Horton (R) cited a fake news article that incorrectly claimed that 37 people died in 2014 on the first day that recreational marijuana was legal in Colorado during a House committee debate on a medical marijuana bill Thursday, according to The Advocate.
When Advocate reporter Elizabeth Crisp pointed out that the article from The Daily Currant was “satire” and therefore “not true,” Horton responded saying that she received her information from a “so-called ‘Trusted’ source.”
“I was given this info from a so-call ‘Trusted’ source but now know that the story was not credible!” Horton tweeted on Thursday.
I was given this info from a so-called “ Trusted” source but now know that the story was not credible! What is fact is the number of car wrecks as a direct result of marijuana use in Colorado is up by 48%. With several ending in deaths. Need the experts/FDA to approve usage/First
— Dodie Horton (@repdodiehorton) April 5, 2018
Horton then reportedly blocked Crisp on Twitter.
Welp. @Repdodiehorton #lalege #lagov
— Elizabeth Crisp (@elizabethcrisp) April 5, 2018
“Sorry. When I hear a [Louisiana Legislature] member citing a well-known satirical website as fact, I’m going to speak up about it,” Crisp tweeted.
Sorry. When I hear a #lalege member citing a well-known satirical website as fact, I’m going to speak up about it…
— Elizabeth Crisp (@elizabethcrisp) April 5, 2018
The Hill added:
The Daily Currant article is no longer available online but the HuffPost wrote in April 2014 that the hoax story often tricked people into thinking marijuana was lethal.
Quoted in The Daily Currant article was a Dr. Jack Shepard, who appears to be named after a character on the TV show “Lost.” The Denver hospital listed in the spoof, St. Luke’s Medical Center, has denounced the report and said there was no Jack Shepard on staff.
Horton acknowledged that the article was false during the committee meeting but did not correct the public record or address the crowd, The Advocate reported.
The Advocate reported that the medical marijuana bill eventually passed through the committee 8-4 and will now move to the House floor for a vote.