Judge Sends Ex-Trump Campaign Chief Paul Manafort To Jail After Mueller Alleges Witness Tampering

A federal judge ordered former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort to jail Friday after being accused of witness tampering while awaiting trial on federal conspiracy and money-laundering charges brought by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, reports The Washington Post.
Federal prosecutors argued that by committing a new crime while on release, Manafort violated terms of his home confinement in Alexandria, Va., and they asked U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson to revoke or revise his bail conditions.
In asking for Manafort to be jailed, prosecutor Greg Andres said in court on Friday that there was a danger Manafort would continue to commit crimes.
“There is nothing on the record of this court that assures that Mr. Manafort will abide by (any ) conditions” of pre-trial release short of jail, Andres said.
Richard Westling, an attorney for Manafort, urged the judge to consider options short of jail that could be added to the existing terms of his release “that can prevent this from occurring in the future.”
Andres replied that ”it’s inconceivable that he (Manafort) doesn’t know that they’re potential witnesses.”
U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson agreed with prosecutors and revoked Manafort’s bail conditions.
Manafort will be held behind bars pending his trial, which is scheduled to start in September.