‘I’ll Remove Your Fu-king Head’: Homophobic Trump Fan Tries To Run Over Teen Girl With Truck, Assaults Her

A Florida man is under fire after he was caught on video attempting to run over a teenage girl with his Trump flag-adorned truck near Tampa Bay.
The video begins with a baldheaded man exiting his black truck and approaching the teen as she was enjoying a beautiful sunset over Tampa Bay. It is unclear what led to the initial confrontation.
“Get the f-ck out of here, you’re forty!” the teen tells the angry man.
“You’re just a kid, if you weren’t a kid - you know what, I’m going to knock that phone out of your hand,” the man yells as he stands inches away from her phone. “Do it,” the teen responds back to his threats. “You mad your daddy didn’t win? Are you mad?” she adds, referring to President Trump’s reelection loss.
The man then threatens to kill the teen: “Oh, sit back and relax you dumbass. Sit back and relax. I wish you were 18. I’d fucking remove your head.”
“I’m 19, b-ch,” she tells the man.
“Touch me, touch me,” he yells back at her.
“No sweetheart, you are not worth it,” she replies.
“Touch me, I dare you, I’ll remove your f-king head…you better back off he says,” as he angrily rushes the young woman, forcing her to step back away from him.
He then hurls anti-gay slurs at the woman before retreating to his vehicle as the teen films his Florida issued license plate.
“Get behind it please, get behind it,” the man says as the teen walks behind the truck to record the plate.
Seconds later, the man puts the truck into reverse, nearly running over the teen girl.
When he puts the truck into park, he spits on the teenage girl.
“You know what you need? You need to be removed from the gene pool because you are too fucking stupid to be alive,” the man yells at the woman before she fires back: “Yeah? Well, you have no hair sweetie. Oh, baby.”
The man becomes even more enraged by her response, swinging his truck door open and appearing to hit the woman as he yells: “F-king touch me. Fu-king touch me!”
The video ends with the man pulling his own phone out as the woman urges him to go home.
Trump supporters are cracking
— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) November 12, 2020