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The Guardians of Democracy

Google CEO Responds To GOP Lawmaker’s iPhone Concerns: ‘iPhone Is Made By A Different Company’


Google CEO Responds To GOP Lawmaker’s iPhone Concerns: ‘iPhone Is Made By A Different Company’

Google CEO Sundar Pichai on Tuesday responded to GOP Rep. Steve King’s (Iowa) confusion over why his granddaughter sees news about him when she is playing a game on the iPhone.

“I have a 7-year-old granddaughter who picked up her phone during the election, and she’s playing a little game, the kind of game a kid would play,” King told Pichai. “And up on there pops a picture of her grandfather. And I’m not going to say into the record what kind of language was used around that picture of her grandfather, but I’d ask you: how does that show up on a 7-year-old’s iPhone, who’s playing a kid’s game?”

“Congressman, iPhone is made by a different company. And so, you know, I mean…” Pichai explained to the confused lawmaker before he interrupted him.

Undeterred, King said: “It might have been an Android. It’s just, it was a hand-me-down of some kind.”

“You know, I’m happy to follow up when I understand the specifics. There may be an application which was being used which had a notification. But I’m happy to understand it better and clarify it for you,” Pichai responded.

King may have been referencing the avalanche of news stories covering King’s racist comments in the past and affiliation with white nationalist groups.


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